en el que Netgear nos hace llegar un compendio de articulos

Aquí tenéis un compendio de articulos que nos ha hecho llegar Netgear de varias publicaciones del Sector:

Como podéis ver y es extraño que suceda :-), aunque las reviews nos han sido enviadas por Netgear, no son en absoluto partidistas.

En el more tenéis la sinopsis de las mismas…

Magazine: PC Plus
Date: 01/01/2007
Periodicity: Monthly
Type of Magazine: Computing magazine
Circulation: 34.080
Clip size: 7 pages
About the Magazine: A consumer magazine which includes news, analysis, and recommended purchase. It is a reference for all computing fans.

The last try of VoIP
The article is a comparative report that analizes software solutions for VoIP like Gizmo or Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7050 and the NETGEAR and SMC’s Skype phones. It concludes that the sound and the screen of the NETGEAR’s phone are very good and that it is easy to use.

Magazine: Ciberp@is
Date: 01/02/2007
Periodicity: Weekly
Type of Magazine: Weekly tech supplement of national newspaper
Circulation: 552.114
Clip size: 1 page
About the Magazine: Ciberp@aís is the weekly tech supplement of the main and most prestigious national newspaper in Spain: “El País”.

Wireless high speed networks in 2008
Article about the delay of the 802.11n stardard, it explains its features and talks about the manufacturers, like NETGEAR, wich have draft n routers.

Magazine: Personal Computer & Internet
Date: 01/02/2007
Periodicity: Monthly
Type of Magazine: Computing magazine
Circulation: 300.678
Clip size: 4 pages
About the Magazine: This is one of the main computing magazines in Spain. The magazine includes reports, products comparatives, articles, etc, about hardware, software and Internet.

Wireless highest speed
Article about the new 802.11n standard. It explains the new posibilities of this standard like high definition video streaming or VoIP calls. It also analizes 12 draft n routers like the NETGEAR’s WNR854T Router. It gets four positive points and two negative.

Magazine: Conect@
Date: 01/02/2007
Periodicity: Monthly
Type of Magazine: Specialist Magazine
Circulation: 11.000
Clip size: 3 pages
About the Magazine: Conect@ is the main Spanish magazine specialized in networks communication and mobile telephony.

The importance of the SMEs
Article that analizes the importance of the mobile technology in the small- and medium-size businesses market. In words of Jordi Canut, Managing Director of NETGEAR “the networking market is booming and this is good for the manufactures and also for the trade channel”.

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