en el que sale a la luz el EWRT 0.4.4

Leo en Linksysinfo que los chicos del proyecto EWRT han sacado otra versión de su firmware, este firmware es valido para los WRT54G/GS/GL versión 1-4.

El changelog reza lo siguiente:

  • Fixed bugs in the firewall reinit – squashing the nocat rules when filters were enabled or WAN DHCP was renewed.
  • Disabled uClibc optimizer/relinker to allow support for external (ipkged) apps.
  • Removed a bunch of the binaries from the default base image into ipkes of their own (e.g. nas, ip, tc, eou, ez-ipconfig, etc.) to gain more writeable space.
  • Built and tested support for the following ipkged apps: tcpdump, iptraf, microcom, strace, gdbserver and chillispot, robocfg (includes scripts to automate setup of additional vlans with separate DHCP servers.)
  • A nocat-pwd package which contains a new version of splashd with username/password based authentication mode and metered time on accounts.
  • hfs-utils package contains kernel module and utilities for the Secure Shell Filesystem – mounting network volumes with an ordinary ssh server.
  • Experimental support for the mini-fo overlay filesystyem.
  • Mas información aqui

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