Nuevos firmwares para los Linksys WRT54GL

Leo en Linksysinfo Linksys lanza la nueva version de firmware 4.30.11 para los Linksys WRT54GL

El changelog es el siguiente:

Last Firmware Version: 4.30.11
__________________________________________________ ________________________
Firmware 4.30.11
– Resolves issue with PPTP pass-through when WRT54GL v1.1 works with WRT54G v5, v6 and v8
– Update help information
– Daylight saving time schedule update
– TZO protocol update
– Resolves UPnP security issue

Tambien se ha lanzado la version v.1.08.1179 del Tomato firmware aprovechando codigo de la 4.30.11 de Linksys

En esta nueva version ademas de la correcion de algunos bugs, se ha añadido soporte para mas equipos, y nuevos sistemas DDNS.

La lista de cambios en el leer mas:

  • Fixed forwarding a port with a source address and without a source address restriction at the same time may not work correctly. If you have this problem right now, please go to Forward/Basic and click Save to fix the entries.
  • Fixed Keep Alive’s "redial" was not restarted.
  • Changed the keep alive "redial" method to a more simplier, safer way. Incase you experience a problem with this, please try "nvram set oldredial=1; nvram commit" and reboot. If that fixes the problem, then please let me know.
  • Fixed DHCP lease time resets when Dnsmasq is restarted.
  • Fixed UPnP may not start sometimes, changes made when deleting manually are not saved, connect may block for a long time.
  • Added detection of WZR-HP-G54, WZR-RS-G54, WZR-RS-G54HP, WVR-G54-NF, WHR2-A54-G54, WHR3-AG54, RT390W, WX-6615GT. Thanks to piggy for adding most of these and to others who sent in data.
  • Added Scott D’s nice BlueGreen2 theme.
  • New DDNS system adds 3322, FreeDNS, OpenDNS, custom https:// URLs, external check ip support, retry on error, refresh after 26 days on all services to prevent expiring.
  • Added "Intercept DNS Port" option in Advanced/DNS which may be helpful when used with OpenDNS for parental control. When enabled, anything going out to UDP port 53 is redirected to Dnsmasq.
  • The GUI’s SSL certificate SN is now randomized, CN is now also set to the router’s LAN IP address, and the certificate can now also be saved in nvram and re-generated more easily if needed in Admin/Access.
  • The GUI’s local HTTP/HTTPS port can now be changed.
  • A list of NTP servers from can now be easily selected in Basic/Time.
  • Updated dnsmasq 2.40, dropbear 0.50, iptables 1.3.8, l7-protocols-2007-07-27.
  • Some merging of code and pre-built binaries from WRT54GL 4.30.11.
  • Various minor changes.

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